Project 1 - Matching Game
1. Preamble
Things to look out for in solving the questions are:
- Make sure to name functions and arguments as stipulated in the question, but never be afraid to create extra functions of your own, e.g. to break up the code into conceptual sub-parts, or avoid redundancy in your code
- Commenting of code is one thing that you will be marked on; get some practice writing comments in your code, focusing on:
- Describing key variables when they are first defined (but not things like index variables in
loops) - Describing what "chunks" of code do (i.e. not every line, but chunks of code that perform a particular operation, such as
#find the maximum value in the list
or#count the number of vowels
. - Describing what every function does, including what its arguments are, and what it returns.
- Describing key variables when they are first defined (but not things like index variables in
Note: If you make multiple submissions, only the most recent submission will be marked.
2. Academic Honesty 1
Academic Honesty
- The project is done individually (not in groups)
- All assessment items (worksheets, projects, test and exam) must be your own, individual, original work.
- Any code that is submitted for assessment will be automatically compared against other students' code and other code sources using sophisticated similarity checking software.
- Cases of potential copying or submitting code that is not your own may lead to a formal academic misconduct hearing.
- Potential penalties can include getting zero for the project, failing the subject, or even expulsion from the university in extreme cases.
- For further information, please see the university's Academic Honesty and Plagiarism website, or ask your lecturer.
- The use of ChatGPT or other AI software to answer questions on this assignment is strictly prohibited.
3. Academic Honesty 2
The fastest way to fail the subject is to hand in code that is not your own!!!
For example:
- you must not copy the code of other students.
- you must not make your code available to others to see.
- you must not give other students your login id and password.
- you must not share USB memory drives.
- you must not post your code on public forums, or any other activity, that would make your code available to others.
- you must not ask other students to see their code.
- you must not submit code that has been written by someone else.
if other students ask to see your code, please say "no", as copying (collusion or plagiarism) is considered academic misconduct, and all students involved may face penalties (both the student who copied, and the student who made their code available).
Before you start the project, you must watch the videos and complete the quiz under “CIS Academic Honesty Training” on the LMS Modules page
4. Background
4.1 Scenario
Matching games are a popular class of games, with titles like Bejeweled and Candy Crush receiving great success over recent years. In this assignment we will create our own basic matching game.
An example of the Bejeweled matching game (Wikipedia).
4.2 Representation
Our game consists of a number of coloured pieces on a two-dimensional board. Each piece can be represented as a string containing a single upper-case character between 'A' and 'Y'. The character 'Z' is used to indicate a blank position on the board. The board can be represented in Python by a list of lists. For example, the board below could be represented as
board = [['B', 'G', 'B', 'Y'],
['G', 'B', 'Y', 'Y'],
['G', 'G', 'Y', 'Z'],
['B', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z']]
![Our representation](/assets/diagram-TMrfdHyM.jpg)
Note that board[0][0]
therefore corresponds to the position in the top-left corner of the board. A 4 x 4 board is shown, but our game will allow for boards of sizes up to 99 x 99.
A move is made by selecting a piece and specifying a direction in which it should be moved (up, down, left or right).
The piece can be selected by specifying its position on the board. To do so, we use a tuple (row, column)
where row
and column
are the index values of the row and column on the board that contain the piece.
To specify the direction we use a single lower case character as follows:
: Up'd'
: Down'l'
: Left'r'
: Right
4.3 Eliminating pieces
Four pieces of the same colour may be eliminated from the board by moving them into a 2 x 2 square. For example, in the scenario above the green triangle at (0, 1) could be moved downwards to (1, 1). This move would eliminate all four green triangles from the board.
5. Pretty Print
Write a function pretty_print(board)
that will print the board in a manner that is easy to read. You may assume that the board is a correctly formatted list of lists as described on the previous slide. Specifically, you should display:
- On your first line, three spaces, followed by the index values of each column in
, with 0 being the first value. Each index value should take up three spaces and be left aligned. - On your second line, a row of
characters, starting below the first index value printed and ending below the last. - Each subsequent line should begin with the index value of a row in
, with index value 0 being the first displayed. The index value should take up two spaces and be right aligned. The index value should be followed by a'|'
character. - After the
character, each board value in the corresponding row should be printed, with two spaces between each value. - After the board has been printed, two blank lines should be added.
An example for a 12 x 12 board is displayed below:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0|A A A A A A A A A A A A
1|A A A A A A A A A A A A
2|A A A A A A A A A A A A
3|A A A A A A A A A A A A
4|A A A A A A A A A A A A
5|A A A A A A A A A A A A
6|A A A A A A A A A A A A
7|A A A A A A A A A A A A
8|A A A A A A A A A A A A
9|A A A A A A A A A A A A
10|A A A A A A A A A A A A
11|A A A A A A A A A A A A
5.1 Example Calls
>>> pretty_print([['A']*4]*4)
0 1 2 3
0|A A A A
1|A A A A
2|A A A A
3|A A A A
>>> pretty_print([['B']*3]*5)
0 1 2
0|B B B
1|B B B
2|B B B
3|B B B
4|B B B
>>> pretty_print([['C']*5]*2)
0 1 2 3 4
0|C C C C C
1|C C C C C
5.2 Answer
def pretty_print(board):
# Print the first row: column index
# First print three Spaces at the beginning of the line
print(' ' * 3, end='')
# Loop through column index and format output
for col in range(len(board[0])):
print(f'{col:<3}', end='')
# Ends the line and line feed
# Print the second line: horizontal line
# Print three Spaces at the beginning of the line
print(' '* 3, end='')
# Print horizontal lines according to the numbers of columns
print('-' * (len(board[0]) * 3))
# Print the board content
# Loop through each row
for row in range(len(board)):
# Print the row index and add a vertical bar after the index
print(f'{row:>2}|', end='')
# Loops through each element of the row
for col in range(len(board[row])):
# Prints the current element, adds two spaces between the elements
print(f'{board[row][col]} ', end='')
# Ends the line and line feed
# Print two blank lines
def pretty_print(board):
'''This function takes one argument `board` (a list of lists of chars),
and print the board in a pretty format'''
# print the first line (the header line)
print(' ', end='')
for i in range(len(board[0])):
print(f'{i:<{COL_WIDTH}}', end='')
# print the second line, which consists of "-"
print(' ' + '-' * (len(board[0]) * COL_WIDTH))
# print the rest of lines
for i in range(len(board)):
# print the index
print(f'{i:>{COL_WIDTH - 1}}', end='|')
# print each piece in its corresponding position
for j in board[i]:
print(j, end=' ')
def pretty_print(board):
""" Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters) and formats and
prints it in a readable format """
n_cols = len(board[0])
# final blank line
def print_header(n_cols):
""" Takes `n_cols` (int, number of columns) and prints the header lines """
# print column numbers
line = " " * COL_WIDTH
for i in range(n_cols):
line += f"{i:<{COL_WIDTH}d}"
# print dividing line
print(" " * COL_WIDTH + "-" * COL_WIDTH * n_cols)
def print_lines(board):
""" Takes board (list of lists of piece characters) and prints the
formatted pieces of the board """
for i, row in enumerate(board):
# begins with index of the row then follows with the entries
formatted_row_index = f"{str(i) + '|':>{COL_WIDTH}s}"
entries = "".join(f"{letter:<{COL_WIDTH}s}" for letter in row)
print(formatted_row_index + entries)
5.3 Assessment
Combines function-specific marks, and subdivided overall style marks.
Based on appropriateness of problem-solving approach
No real attempt made | 0.0 |
Very simple approach, an attempt | 0.2 |
Overly simplistic approach | 0.3 |
Overly complicated approach | 0.3 |
Great approach. Not quite perfect though | 0.4 |
Excellent approach- well done! | 0.5 |
Good job here!
Based on testing against PEP-8 linter.
No adherence to PEP8 output and variable names require work | 0.0 |
Partial adherence to PEP8 output OR variable names require work | 0.1 |
Strong adherence to PEP8 output and good contextual variable names | 0.2 |
No comments, randomly sprinkled and unhelpful, or too verbose | 0.0 |
Some basic comments, an attempt | 0.1 |
Somewhat helpful, but sometimes sparse/overly verbose OR docstring is missing | 0.2 |
Helpful, insightful and succinct | 0.3 |
Great commenting, but there is slightly too much detail involved, try cutting it down a bit for your next project.
(Refer to the sample solution for the appropriate level of detail for commenting)
Also you're missing a docstring!
NOTE: Per-test scores are shown to a maximum of 2 decimal places. The total score may differ due to rounding.
6. Validate Input
As our game will rely on user-supplied inputs, we wish to ensure those inputs are valid. Write a function validate_input(board, position, direction)
. Your function should ensure:
- The board contains at least two rows and at least two columns
- Each row in the board has the same length
- Each board value is an upper case character
- The position specified is within the board and does not contain negative row or column values
- The direction argument contains one of the four permitted direction values
- For each piece colour present on the board, the number of pieces of that colour is a multiple of four. Blanks (represented by 'Z') are not included in this requirement.
Your function should return True
if all of the above conditions are satisfied and False
Note: You may assume that the board
argument contains a list of lists and that each position on the board contains a string. You may also assume the position
argument is a tuple containing precisely two integer values.
6.1 Example Calls
>>> print(validate_input([["A", "A", "A", "A"], ["A", "A", "A", "A"]], (0, 0), "u"))
>>> print(validate_input([["A", "Z", "Z", "A"], ["A", "A"]], (0, 0), "u"))
>>> print(validate_input([["A", "A", "A", "A"], ["A", "A", "A", "A"]], (10, 0), "x"))
>>> print(validate_input([["A", "A", "A", "A"], ["A", "A", "B", "B"]], (0, 0), "u"))
6.2 Answer
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def validate_input(board, position, direction):
# check that the number of rows and columns on the board is at least 2
if len(board) < 2 or len(board[0]) < 2:
return False
# check that each row of the board is the same length
for i in range(len(board)):
if len(board[i]) != len(board[0]):
return False
# check that each value on the board is a capital letter
for row in range(len(board)):
for col in range(len(board[row])):
if not board[row][col].isupper():
return False
# check that position is within the board and has no negative values
x, y = position
if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= len(board) or y >= len(board[0]):
return False
# check if direction is one of the allowed values
if direction not in (DIR_UP, DIR_DOWN, DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT):
return False
# check if the number of pieces in each color is a multiple of 4
d = {}
for piece in board:
for value in piece:
if value != 'Z':
if value in d:
d[value] += 1
d[value] = 1
for piece in d.values():
if piece % 4 != 0:
return False
# Returns True if all conditions are met
return True
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
ROW, COL = 0, 1
def validate_input(board, position, direction):
''' Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters), `position`
(2-tuple of ints), and `direction` (string).
Returns a bool indicating whether the input is valid '''
return (valid_board_dimension(board) and position_in_board(board, position)
and valid_direction(direction) and valid_board_value(board))
def valid_board_dimension(board):
''' Takes the `board` and returns a bool indicating if the board
dimension is valid:
1. board is a square
2. board contains at least two rows and two columns '''
# ensure that board has at least two rows and two columns
if len(board) < MIN_DIMENSION:
return False
row_length = len(board[0])
if row_length < MIN_DIMENSION:
return False
# ensure that the board is a "square"
for row in board[1:]:
if len(row) != row_length:
return False
return True
def valid_board_value(board):
''' Takes the `board` and returns a bool indicating if the board:
1. contains upper case value only
2. has multiple-of-four number of pieces for each colour '''
colour_count = {}
# check the validity of the board piece by piece, also record the
# colour of pieces
for row in board:
for piece in row:
# ensure that each piece is upper case
if not piece.isupper():
return False
# record the colour of the piece
if piece in colour_count:
colour_count[piece] += 1
colour_count[piece] = 1
# check whether there are multiple-of-four for each colour
for colour, count in colour_count.items():
if colour != BLANK_PIECE and count % PIECE_MULTIPLE != 0:
return False
return True
def position_in_board(board, position):
''' Takes `board` and `position` (2-tuple of ints) and returns a bool
indicating if the position is on the board '''
return (0 <= position[ROW] < len(board)
and 0 <= position[COL] < len(board[0]))
def valid_direction(direction):
''' Takes `direction` (str) and returns a bool indicating if the direction
is one of the predefined direction values '''
return direction in DIRS
6.3 Assessment
Combines function-specific marks, and subdivided overall style marks.
Based on appropriateness of problem-solving approach
No real attempt made | 0.0 |
Very simple approach, an attempt | 0.2 |
Overly simplistic approach | 0.3 |
Overly complicated approach | 0.3 |
Great approach. Not quite perfect though | 0.4 |
Excellent approach- well done! | 0.5 |
Brilliantly done!
Based on testing against PEP-8 linter.
No adherence to PEP8 output and variable names require work | 0.0 |
Partial adherence to PEP8 output OR variable names require work | 0.1 |
Strong adherence to PEP8 output and good contextual variable names | 0.2 |
Namings are generally good here but please try to use something more descriptive other than 'd'. (Line 34)
No comments, randomly sprinkled and unhelpful, or too verbose | 0.0 |
Some basic comments, an attempt | 0.1 |
Somewhat helpful, but sometimes sparse/overly verbose OR docstring is missing | 0.2 |
Helpful, insightful and succinct | 0.3 |
Again, excellent commenting, but your docstring is missing! 😦
NOTE: Per-test scores are shown to a maximum of 2 decimal places. The total score may differ due to rounding.
7. Legal Moves
Recall that a move in our game involves swapping two pieces. A move is legal if:
- Both the pieces involved in the move are inside the board
- At least one of the pieces involved in the move ends in a position adjacent to a piece of the same colour
Blank pieces (represented with a 'Z'
) may never be moved.
Write a function legal_move(board, position, direction)
that returns True
if it is legal for the piece at position
to be moved in the direction specified by direction
and False
For example, given the following board:
0 1 2 3
0|A A D C
1|A B C A
2|C B B A
3|C D D D
legal_move(board, (1, 2), DIR_UP)
would return True
as the C
currently located at (1, 2)
would be moved to (0, 2)
, which is adjacent to the C
at (0, 3)
. legal_move(board, (0, 2), DIR_DOWN)
would return True
for the same reason. legal_move(board, (0, 2), DIR_LEFT)
would return False
For this task you may assume the inputs have already been validated according to your function in Question 2.
7.1 Example Calls
>>> print(legal_move([["A", "A", "D", "C"], ["A", "B", "C", "A"], ["C", "B", "B", "A"], ["C", "D", "D", "D"]], (1, 2), "u"))
>>> print(legal_move([["A", "A", "D", "C"], ["A", "B", "C", "A"], ["C", "B", "B", "A"], ["C", "D", "D", "D"]], (0, 2), "d"))
>>> print(legal_move([["A", "A", "D", "C"], ["A", "B", "C", "A"], ["C", "B", "B", "A"], ["C", "D", "D", "D"]], (0, 2), "l"))
>>> print(legal_move([["A", "A", "D", "C"], ["A", "B", "C", "A"], ["C", "B", "B", "A"], ["C", "D", "D", "D"]], (0, 0), "l"))
7.2 Answer
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def legal_move(board, position, direction):
# Gets row and column coordinates
row, col = position
# Get the piece in the current position
piece = board[row][col]
# return False if the current position is blank
if piece == BLANK_PIECE:
return False
# Determine the coordinates of the new position
# based on the direction of movement
if direction == DIR_UP:
new_position = (row - 1, col)
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
new_position = (row + 1, col)
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
new_position = (row, col - 1)
new_position = (row, col + 1)
# Check if new position is blank
new_row, new_col = new_position
if 0 <= new_row < len(board) and 0 <= new_col < len(board[0]):
if board[new_row][new_col] == BLANK_PIECE:
return False
# Check if it is in the board
if new_row < 0 or new_row >= len(board):
return False
if new_col < 0 or new_col >= len(board[0]):
return False
# Create two new lists
# old is the surrounding color coordinates before the move
old_lst =[(row + 1, col),
(row - 1, col),
(row, col - 1),
(row, col + 1)]
# new is the surrounding color coordinates after the move
new_lst =[(new_row + 1, new_col),
(new_row - 1, new_col),
(new_row, new_col - 1),
(new_row, new_col + 1)]
# Check if there are adjacent pieces of the same color in the old position
for r, c in old_lst:
if 0 <= r < len(board) and 0 <= c < len(board[0]):
if board[r][c] == board[new_row][new_col]:
if ((r, c) != (new_row, new_col)):
return True
# Check if there are adjacent pieces of the same color in the new position
for r, c in new_lst:
if 0 <= r < len(board) and 0 <= c < len(board[0]):
if board[r][c] == board[row][col]:
if ((r, c) != (row, col)):
return True
# Returns false if there are no adjacent colors of the same color
return False
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def calc_swap_pos(row, col, direction):
""" Takes the row index, column index of the piece and the direction of
the move, calculates and return the position to be swapped to """
if direction == DIR_UP:
swap_row = row - 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
swap_row = row + 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col + 1
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col - 1
return None
return (swap_row, swap_col)
def adjacent(piece, board, row, col):
""" Takes piece, board, row index and column index, and return a bool
indicating whether any of the positions around board[row][col]
contain piece """
if col + 1 < len(board[row]) and board[row][col + 1] == piece:
return True
if col - 1 >= 0 and board[row][col - 1] == piece:
return True
if row + 1 < len(board) and board[row + 1][col] == piece:
return True
if row - 1 >= 0 and board[row - 1][col] == piece:
return True
return False
def legal_move(board, position, direction):
""" Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters), `position`
(2-tuple of ints), `direction` (string). Returns a bool indicating whether
the move is considered legal in the context of the specified game rules """
row, col = position
# Calculate the position of the token being swapped
swap_row, swap_col = calc_swap_pos(row, col, direction)
# Check if the swap position is legal
if not (0 <= swap_row < len(board) and 0 <= swap_col < len(board[0])):
return False
# Check if either place is a blank
piece = board[row][col]
swap_piece = board[swap_row][swap_col]
if piece == BLANK_PIECE or swap_piece == BLANK_PIECE:
return False
# Perform the swap
board[row][col] = swap_piece
board[swap_row][swap_col] = piece
# Check if the result is legal
is_legal = False
if adjacent(piece, board, swap_row, swap_col):
is_legal = True
if adjacent(swap_piece, board, row, col):
is_legal = True
# Swap back
board[row][col] = piece
board[swap_row][swap_col] = swap_piece
return is_legal
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def legal_move(board, position, direction):
''' Takes `board` (list of lists of piece characters), `position`
(2-tuple of ints), `direction` (string). Returns a bool indicating whether
the move is considered legal in the context of the specified game rules '''
next_position = get_next_position(board, position, direction)
# make sure that the next position exists
if not next_position:
return False
colour = board[position[0]][position[1]]
next_colour = board[next_position[0]][next_position[1]]
# blank space can't move
if BLANK_PIECE in (colour, next_colour):
return False
# make sure that one of the adjacent piece has the same colour
adj_swap_positions = adjacent_positions(board, next_position)
adj_ori_positions = adjacent_positions(board, position)
if has_colour(board, adj_swap_positions, colour) or\
has_colour(board, adj_ori_positions, next_colour):
return True
return False
def has_colour(board, positions, colour):
'''Return True if the given list of positions contain the colour given'''
for x, y in positions:
if board[x][y] == colour:
return True
return False
def adjacent_positions(board, position):
'''For the board given, return the valid adjacent positions for the given
position in a list'''
cur_x, cur_y = position
adj_positions = [(cur_x + 1, cur_y), (cur_x - 1, cur_y),
(cur_x, cur_y + 1), (cur_x, cur_y - 1)]
# remove the positions that are out of bound
for adj_pos in adj_positions:
if not position_in_board(board, adj_pos):
return adj_positions
def position_in_board(board, position):
'''Given the board and position, return True if the position
is in the board'''
return 0 <= position[0] < len(board) and 0 <= position[1] < len(board[0])
def get_next_position(board, position, direction):
'''Takes the board, position of the piece and the direction,
return the destination position that the piece moves to'''
next_position = None
cur_x, cur_y = position
if direction == DIR_UP:
next_position = cur_x - 1, cur_y
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
next_position = cur_x + 1, cur_y
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
next_position = cur_x, cur_y - 1
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
next_position = cur_x, cur_y + 1
return None
if not position_in_board(board, next_position):
return None
return next_position
7.3 Assessment
Combines function-specific marks, and subdivided overall style marks.
Based on appropriateness of problem-solving approach
No real attempt made | 0.0 |
Very simple approach, an attempt | 0.2 |
Overly simplistic approach | 0.3 |
Overly complicated approach | 0.3 |
Great approach. Not quite perfect though | 0.4 |
Excellent approach- well done! | 0.5 |
Small Note: Your code between lines 55-66 is technically duplicated. (It's the same logic being applied to both the new, old coordinates.)
I would recommend use of a helper function to reduce duplication next time.
Based on testing against PEP-8 linter.
No adherence to PEP8 output and variable names require work | 0.0 |
Partial adherence to PEP8 output OR variable names require work | 0.1 |
Strong adherence to PEP8 output and good contextual variable names | 0.2 |
Namings are decent here, but some of them aren't descriptive enough. E.g. old_lst, new_lst, r, c.
No comments, randomly sprinkled and unhelpful, or too verbose | 0.0 |
Some basic comments, an attempt | 0.1 |
Somewhat helpful, but sometimes sparse/overly verbose OR docstring is missing | 0.2 |
Helpful, insightful and succinct | 0.3 |
Refer to previous question's feedback.
8. Make a Move
If four pieces on the board are moved into position to form a 2 x 2 square, those four pieces are eliminated. This leaves a 2 x 2 gap represented by four Z
characters which is filled in the following manner:
- Firstly, all pieces immediately below the gap (i.e. in the same column with a higher row index) are moved up to fill any gaps.
- Secondly, all pieces immediately to the right of the gap (i.e. in the same row with a higher column index) are moved left to fill any gaps.
In the event of a tie (i.e. a single move causes more than one 2 x 2 square to be formed), the square beginning at the lowest row number is eliminated. If both squares begin at the same row number, the square with the lowest column number is eliminated. Only one square may be eliminated before its gaps are filled.
For example, given the following board:
0 1 2 3
0|C A B C
1|A B C A
2|A B B C
3|A A A A
If the piece at (0, 2)
is moved downwards, the four B
s will be elimiated, resulting in the following board:
0 1 2 3
0|C A C C
1|A Z Z A
2|A Z Z C
3|A A A A
After the gaps are filled, the final result will be as follows:
0 1 2 3
0|C A C C
1|A A A A
2|A C Z Z
3|A A Z Z
Note that it is possible for multiple squares to be elimiated in the one move. For example, consider the following board:
0 1 2 3
0|C A B C
1|A B C A
2|A B B A
3|A C A A
Moving the piece at (0, 2)
downwards again eliminates the the four B
s. After the gaps are filled, the result will be as follows:
0 1 2 3
0|C A C C
1|A C A A
2|A A Z Z
3|A A Z Z
The four A
s in the bottom left of the board will then be eliminated, resulting in the following final configuration:
0 1 2 3
0|C A C C
1|A C A A
2|Z Z Z Z
3|Z Z Z Z
Write a function make_move(board, position, direction)
. This function should modify and return the board
so that it contains the new configuration after the piece at position
is moved in the direction specfied by direction
. You may assume that the move is legal according to the definition in Question 3. You may further assume that no pieces need to be eliminated from the board (i.e. there are no 2 x 2 squares containing four pieces of the same colour) before the move is made.
8.1 Example calls
print(make_move([["C", "A", "B", "C"], ["A", "B", "C", "A"], ["A", "B", "B", "C"], ["A", "A", "A", "A"]], (0, 2), "d"))
>>> [['C', 'A', 'C', 'C'], ['A', 'A', 'A', 'A'], ['A', 'C', 'Z', 'Z'], ['A', 'A', 'Z', 'Z']]
print(make_move([["C", "A", "B", "C"], ["A", "B", "C", "A"], ["A", "B", "B", "A"], ["A", "C", "A", "A"]], (0, 2), "d"))
>>> [['C', 'A', 'C', 'C'], ['A', 'C', 'A', 'A'], ['Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z'], ['Z', 'Z', 'Z', 'Z']]
8.2 Answer
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
# Eliminate 2x2 squares
def eliminate_squares(board):
# Initialization flag that indicates whether elimination has occurred
eliminated = False
# Traverse the board, checking every possible 2x2 square
for r in range(len(board) - 1):
for c in range(len(board[0]) - 1):
# If a 2x2 square is found
# replace it with a blank piece and set eliminated to True
if board[r][c] != BLANK_PIECE and \
board[r][c] == board[r + 1][c] == \
board[r][c + 1] == board[r + 1][c + 1]:
board[r][c], board[r + 1][c], board[r][c + 1], board[r + 1][
eliminated = True
return eliminated
return eliminated
# Fill blank space
def fill_gaps(board):
# Fill the vertical blank space
for c in range(len(board[0])): # Go through each column
column = [board[r][c] for r in range(len(board))]
column = \
[x for x in column if x != BLANK_PIECE] + \
[BLANK_PIECE] * column.count(BLANK_PIECE)
for r in range(len(board)):
board[r][c] = column[r]
for r in range(len(board)):
row = board[r]
row = [x for x in row if x != BLANK_PIECE] + \
board[r] = row
def make_move(board, position, direction):
row, col = position # row and column positions
new_row, new_col = -1, -1
if direction == DIR_UP:
new_row, new_col = row - 1, col
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
new_row, new_col = row + 1, col
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
new_row, new_col = row, col - 1
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
new_row, new_col = row, col + 1
# swaps two positions on a board
board[new_row][new_col], board[row][col] = \
board[row][col], board[new_row][new_col]
# As long as any square is eliminated, continue filling the blank space
while eliminate_squares(board):
return board
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def destroy(board):
""" Finds a square of four identical pieces and removes them """
# Find a square
for i in range(len(board) - 1):
for j in range(len(board[i]) - 1):
if board[i][j] != BLANK_PIECE and board[i][j] == \
board[i][j + 1] == board[i + 1][j] == board[i + 1][j + 1]:
# Eliminate the pieces
board[i][j] = BLANK_PIECE
board[i][j + 1] = BLANK_PIECE
board[i + 1][j] = BLANK_PIECE
board[i + 1][j + 1] = BLANK_PIECE
return True
return False
def fix(board):
""" Fills the gaps caused by eliminating pieces """
# Move pieces up
for j in range(len(board[0])):
for i in range(len(board)):
if board[i][j] == BLANK_PIECE:
k = 1
while i + k < len(board):
if board[i + k][j] != BLANK_PIECE:
board[i][j] = board[i + k][j]
board[i + k][j] = BLANK_PIECE
k = k + 1
# Move pieces to the left
for i in range(len(board)):
for j in range(len(board[i])):
if board[i][j] == BLANK_PIECE:
k = 1
while j + k < len(board[i]):
if board[i][j + k] != BLANK_PIECE:
board[i][j] = board[i][j + k]
board[i][j + k] = BLANK_PIECE
k = k + 1
def make_move(board, position, direction):
""" Makes a move in accordance with the Task 4 rules """
row = position[0]
col = position[1]
# Calculate position of piece to be swapped
if direction == DIR_UP:
swap_row = row - 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
swap_row = row + 1
swap_col = col
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col + 1
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
swap_row = row
swap_col = col - 1
return False
piece = board[row][col]
swap_piece = board[swap_row][swap_col]
# Perform the swap
board[row][col] = swap_piece
board[swap_row][swap_col] = piece
# Continue to remove pieces and fill gaps until no more removals possible
return board
import copy
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
FILL_SORT_KEY = lambda x: x == BLANK_PIECE
ROW, COL = 0, 1
DELTA_MOVE = {DIR_UP: (-1, 0), DIR_DOWN: (1, 0),
DIR_LEFT: (0, -1), DIR_RIGHT: (0, 1)}
def clear_square(board):
Takes a 2D list board.
Replaces a 2x2 equal piece square with a BLANK_PIECE square.
Returns True if such square is found. Also mutates board.
for j in range(len(board) - 1):
for i in range(len(board[0]) - 1):
if board[j][i] == BLANK_PIECE:
# Check if this is an equal piece square
if board[j][i] == board[j][i + 1] \
== board[j + 1][i] \
== board[j + 1][i + 1]:
# Replace the pieces with blank pieces
board[j][i] = board[j][i + 1] \
= board[j + 1][i] \
= board[j + 1][i + 1] \
return True
return False
def refresh_board(board):
Takes a 2D board list.
"Refreshes" the board by clearing equal piece squares,
and fills the gap produced.
Mutates board.
nrows, ncols = len(board), len(board[0])
# Keep clearing squares until there is no more left
while clear_square(board):
# Shift up
for i in range(ncols):
col = sorted([board[j][i] for j in range(nrows)],
for j in range(nrows):
board[j][i] = col[j]
# Shift left
[row.sort(key=FILL_SORT_KEY) for row in board]
def make_move(board, position, direction):
Takes a 2D board list, initial position (j, i) tuple, and move direction.
Performs the move and refreshes the board.
Returns the resulting board.
board = copy.deepcopy(board)
advance(board, position, direction)
return board
def advance(board, old_pos, direction):
Takes a 2D board list, initial position (j, i) tuple, and move direction.
*Mutates* the board if the two relevant pieces can be swapped.
Returns the new position if the swap is successful, otherwise None.
new_pos = new_position(old_pos, direction)
j_old, i_old = old_pos
j_new, i_new = new_pos
# Check if the two pieces to be swapped are valid
if not within_bounds(board, new_pos) or \
board[j_old][i_old] == BLANK_PIECE or \
board[j_new][i_new] == BLANK_PIECE:
return None
# Swap the pieces
board[j_old][i_old], board[j_new][i_new] = \
board[j_new][i_new], board[j_old][i_old]
return new_pos
def new_position(old_pos, direction):
Takes an initial position (j, i) tuple, and move direction.
Returns the new position.
return add_2_tuple(old_pos, DELTA_MOVE[direction])
def within_bounds(board, pos):
Takes a 2D board list, and a position (j, i) tuple.
Returns True if the position is within the board.
nrows, ncols = len(board), len(board[0])
return 0 <= pos[ROW] < nrows and 0 <= pos[COL] < ncols
def add_2_tuple(tup0, tup1):
Takes two 2-tuples, and returns an element-wise sum of the two.
return tup0[ROW] + tup1[ROW], tup0[COL] + tup1[COL]
9. AI Player
Note: This question is optional and for bonus marks only! You can obtain full marks for Project 1 without attempting this question. It is considerably more difficult than the previous questions and intended for students who would like to challenge themselves. As such, lecturers and tutors will provide less guidance on how to complete it.
Create a function ai_player(board)
that will play the game for you.
A move can be represented as a tuple containing a position and direction. For example, moving position (2, 1) to the right could be represented as follows: ((2, 1), 'r')
. Your function should return a list of moves that, when executed, will eliminate all of the pieces on the board. If a sequence of moves exists that will win the game, your function should find it. If no such sequence exists, your function should return None
Note that it is possible for there to be multiple different move sequences that can win the game from a given starting position. In this situation any such sequence will be accepted.
9.1 Example calls
print(ai_player([['A', 'A', 'B', 'B'], ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B']]))
[((1, 1), 'r')]
print(ai_player([['C', 'B', 'B', 'C'], ['C', 'A', 'D', 'A'], ['D', 'A', 'A', 'D'], ['D', 'B', 'B', 'C']]))
[((1, 2), 'r'), ((0, 1), 'r')]
9.2 Answer
from collections import deque
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def pretty_print(board):
# Print the first row: column index
# First print three Spaces at the beginning of the line
print(' ' * 3, end='')
# Loop through column index and format output
for col in range(len(board[0])):
print(f'{col:<3}', end='')
# Ends the line and line feed
# Print the second line: horizontal line
# Print three Spaces at the beginning of the line
print(' ' * 3, end='')
# Print horizontal lines according to the numbers of columns
print('-' * (len(board[0]) * 3))
# Print the board content
# Loop through each row
for row in range(len(board)):
# Print the row index and add a vertical bar after the index
print(f'{row:>2}|', end='')
# Loops through each element of the row
for col in range(len(board[row])):
# Prints the current element, adds two spaces between the elements
print(f'{board[row][col]} ', end='')
# Ends the line and line feed
# Print two blank lines
def validate_input(board, position, direction):
# check that the number of rows and columns on the board is at least 2
if len(board) < 2 or len(board[0]) < 2:
return False
# check that each row of the board is the same length
for i in range(len(board)):
if len(board[i]) != len(board[0]):
return False
# check that each value on the board is a capital letter
for row in range(len(board)):
for col in range(len(board[row])):
if not board[row][col].isupper():
return False
# check that position is within the board and has no negative values
x, y = position
if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= len(board) or y >= len(board[0]):
return False
# check if direction is one of the allowed values
if direction not in (DIR_UP, DIR_DOWN, DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT):
return False
# check if the number of pieces in each color is a multiple of 4
d = {}
for piece in board:
for value in piece:
if value != 'Z':
if value in d:
d[value] += 1
d[value] = 1
for piece in d.values():
if piece % 4 != 0:
return False
# Returns True if all conditions are met
return True
def legal_move(board, position, direction):
# Gets row and column coordinates
row, col = position
# Get the piece in the current position
piece = board[row][col]
# return False if the current position is blank
if piece == BLANK_PIECE:
return False
# Determine the coordinates of the new position
# based on the direction of movement
if direction == DIR_UP:
new_position = (row - 1, col)
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
new_position = (row + 1, col)
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
new_position = (row, col - 1)
new_position = (row, col + 1)
# Check if new position is blank
new_row, new_col = new_position
if 0 <= new_row < len(board) and 0 <= new_col < len(board[0]):
if board[new_row][new_col] == BLANK_PIECE:
return False
# Check if it is in the board
if new_row < 0 or new_row >= len(board):
return False
if new_col < 0 or new_col >= len(board[0]):
return False
# Create two new lists
# old is the surrounding color coordinates before the move
old_lst = [(row + 1, col),
(row - 1, col),
(row, col - 1),
(row, col + 1)]
# new is the surrounding color coordinates after the move
new_lst = [(new_row + 1, new_col),
(new_row - 1, new_col),
(new_row, new_col - 1),
(new_row, new_col + 1)]
# Check if there are adjacent pieces of the same color in the old position
for r, c in old_lst:
if 0 <= r < len(board) and 0 <= c < len(board[0]):
if board[r][c] == board[new_row][new_col]:
if ((r, c) != (new_row, new_col)):
return True
# Check if there are adjacent pieces of the same color in the new position
for r, c in new_lst:
if 0 <= r < len(board) and 0 <= c < len(board[0]):
if board[r][c] == board[row][col]:
if ((r, c) != (row, col)):
return True
# Returns false if there are no adjacent colors of the same color
return False
# Eliminate 2x2 squares
def eliminate_squares(board):
# Initialization flag that indicates whether elimination has occurred
eliminated = False
# Traverse the board, checking every possible 2x2 square
for r in range(len(board) - 1):
for c in range(len(board[0]) - 1):
# If a 2x2 square is found
# replace it with a blank piece and set eliminated to True
if board[r][c] != BLANK_PIECE and \
board[r][c] == board[r + 1][c] == \
board[r][c + 1] == board[r + 1][c + 1]:
board[r][c], board[r + 1][c], board[r][c + 1], board[r + 1][
eliminated = True
return eliminated
return eliminated
# Fill blank space
def fill_gaps(board):
# Fill the vertical blank space
for c in range(len(board[0])): # Go through each column
column = [board[r][c] for r in range(len(board))]
column = \
[x for x in column if x != BLANK_PIECE] + \
[BLANK_PIECE] * column.count(BLANK_PIECE)
for r in range(len(board)):
board[r][c] = column[r]
for r in range(len(board)):
row = board[r]
row = [x for x in row if x != BLANK_PIECE] + \
board[r] = row
def make_move(board, position, direction):
row, col = position # row and column positions
new_row, new_col = -1, -1
if direction == DIR_UP:
new_row, new_col = row - 1, col
elif direction == DIR_DOWN:
new_row, new_col = row + 1, col
elif direction == DIR_LEFT:
new_row, new_col = row, col - 1
elif direction == DIR_RIGHT:
new_row, new_col = row, col + 1
# swaps two positions on a board
board[new_row][new_col], board[row][col] = \
board[row][col], board[new_row][new_col]
# As long as any square is eliminated, continue filling the blank space
while eliminate_squares(board):
return board
def valid_move(board, position, direction):
r, c = position
if direction == DIR_UP:
if r == 0 or board[r - 1][c] != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
if direction == DIR_DOWN:
if r == len(board) - 1 or board[r + 1][c] != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
if direction == DIR_LEFT:
if c == 0 or board[r][c - 1] != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
if direction == DIR_RIGHT:
if c == len(board[0]) - 1 or board[r][c + 1] != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
def ai_player(board):
# Define a breadth-first search function that inputs the board
# returns a sequence of moves that resolves the problem
def search(board):
# Initialize queue, store tuples (board, move sequence)
lst = deque([(board, [])])
# Initializes the collection that holds the visited board state
s = set()
# Loop is executed when queue is not empty
while lst:
# Pop the first element in the queue to get the current board state
# corresponding move sequence
current, moves = lst.popleft()
# Converts the current board state to an immutable object
# so that it can be added to the accessed collection
t = tuple(tuple(row) for row in current)
# If the current board state has already been visited
# skip this loop
if t in s:
# Adds the current board state to the visited collection
# Check if the current board state has resolved the problem
# (all pieces have been eliminated)
if all(all(cell == BLANK_PIECE for cell in row) for row in current):
return moves
# Traverse every position on the board, trying every possible move
for r in range(len(current)):
for c in range(len(current[0])):
for d in DIRECTIONS:
# If the move is correct, the move action is performed
if legal_move(current, (r, c), d):
# Create a copy of the current board to avoid modifying the original board
new = [row.copy() for row in current]
make_move(new, (r, c), d)
# Adds the new board state and corresponding move sequence to the queue
lst.append((new, moves + [((r, c), d)]))
# Returns None if no solution can be found
return None
return search(board)
from hidden import legal_move, make_move
from copy import deepcopy
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def all_moves(board):
" Generates all moves (even illegal ones) "
moves = []
for row in range(len(board)):
for col in range(len(board[row])):
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_UP))
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_DOWN))
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_LEFT))
moves.append(((row, col), DIR_RIGHT))
return moves
def all_legal_moves(board, all_moves):
""" Generates all legal moves from a list of moves """
moves = []
for position, direction in all_moves:
if legal_move(board, position, direction):
moves.append((position, direction))
return moves
def has_won(board):
""" Checks if the current board state is winning """
for row in board:
for val in row:
if val != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
def serialize(board):
""" Converts the board to a single sequence of characters to
make comparing boards more efficient """
board_ser = ""
for row in board:
board_ser = board_ser + ''.join(row)
return board_ser
def ai_player(board):
""" Returns the sequence of moves needed to win the game, or None
if winning is not possible from the current board. """
open_nodes = [(board, [])]
closed_nodes = []
# Perform Breadth First Search on the board
while len(open_nodes) > 0:
next_board, path = open_nodes.pop(0)
# Return the winning solution
if has_won(next_board):
return path
# Generate possible next moves for the current board position
moves = all_moves(next_board)
moves = all_legal_moves(next_board, moves)
for move in moves:
board2 = deepcopy(next_board)
board2 = make_move(board2, move[0], move[1])
board_ser = serialize(board2)
# Check to see if we have encountered this board position
# via another series of moves.
if board_ser not in closed_nodes:
open_nodes.append((board2, path + [move]))
# Current board is unwinnable
return None
from copy import deepcopy
from hidden import legal_move, make_move
DIR_UP = "u"
DIR_DOWN = "d"
DIR_LEFT = "l"
def ai_player(board):
""" Takes the board of the initial game state and runs breadth-first
search to find a solution (sequence of moves that result in the board
ending in winning state of all blank pieces). Returns None if no such
winning board is found. """
# queue is a list of tuples containing the board state and the moves
# that lead to that state
queue = [(board, [])]
visited = set()
while queue:
# get the next board state to visit
board, moves = queue.pop(0)
if has_won(board):
return moves
# add the string of the board to visited set so we don't go in circles
# loop over each move for the current board and add it to the queue
for move in generate_moves(board):
next_board = make_move(deepcopy(board), *move)
if str(next_board) not in visited:
queue.append((next_board, moves + [move]))
def has_won(board):
""" Returns a bool indicating if the board only has empty pieces """
for row in board:
for elem in row:
if elem != BLANK_PIECE:
return False
return True
def generate_moves(board):
""" Generates a list of possible moves for the current board.
By symmetry we only need to generate for two perpendicular directions """
return [((r, c), d) for r in range(len(board))
for c in range(len(board[0])) for d in [DIR_LEFT, DIR_UP]
if legal_move(board, (r, c), d)]
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