COMP10001 Foundations of Computing Final Examination, Semester 1, 2019
Part 1: Code Interpretation
Question 1
Evaluate the following expressions, and provide the output in each case.
(a) 'smart array'[::-1]
(b) 7 / 2 * 2
(c) 'cat'[1:] in 'hat' and 'fox'[1:] in 'sox'
(d) sorted({'hobbits': ['bilbo', 'frodo'], 'dwarves': ['gimli', 'thorin']}.values())[-1][1]
(e) [x * 2 for x in str(90210)]
Question 2
What are the fifinal values of each of the variables indicated below, on completion of execution of the following code:
deck = []
for value in VALUES:
for suit in SUITS:
deck.append(value + suit)
hands = []
for i in range(PLAYERS):
for i in range(ROUNDS):
for player in range(PLAYERS):
(a) i
(b) deck
(c) hands
Question 3
The following code is intended to calculate a list of valid “old school” vs. “new school” superhero running races. The rules are:
- “old school” characters are defifined as those who were created prior to a given year, and “new school” characters are those created in the given year or later。
- each old school superhero races against each new school superhero whose costume is a different colour to their own
- superheroes with the same colour costumes don’t race against one another—that would just be confusing! Such pairings are deemed invalid
The code takes the form of the defifinition of a function called race_list, which takes two arguments:
- afile: a CSV fifile containing superhero data, including their name, the year they were created and their costume colour
- year: the year used to distinguish “old school” from “new school” superheroes
and returns a 2-tuple containing: (1) a sorted list of valid races (as strings); and (2) a count of invalid pairings of superheroes (on the basis of their costumes being the same colour).
An example input for afile is the fifile superheroes.csv:
Hedgehog Man,1965,brown
Captain Penguin,1962,purple
The Mystifier,1973,purple
Telephone Girl,1978,green
Little Llama,1991,beige.
An example function call, based on the provided superheroes.csv fifile, is:
>>> race_list('superheroes.csv', 1970)
(['Captain Penguin vs. Little Llama', 'Captain Penguin vs. Telephone Girl', 'Hedgehog Man vs. Little Llama', 'Hedgehog Man vs. Telephone Girl', 'Hedgehog Man vs. The Mystifier'], 1)
(ie, there is one invalid pairing in this example: Captain Penguin and The Mystififier do not race against one another because their costumes are both purple.)
You can assume that the following two library imports have been made earlier in the code, prior to the function defifinition:
import csv
import itertools
As presented, the lines of the function are out of order. Put the line numbers in the correct order and introduce appropriate indentation (indent the line numbers to show how the corresponding lines would be indented in your code), by placing line numbers in the table below the code (one line number per row in the table). Note that the provided code makes use of a semi-colon (“;”) at two different locations, to combine two statements (to initialise variables) into a single line of code.
1 if old[pair[0]] != new[pair[1]]:
2 old = {}; new = {}
3 with open(afile) as f:
4 new[row['name']] = row['colour']
5 else: 6 old[row['name']] = row['colour']
7 for pair in itertools.product(old, new):
8 invalid += 1
9 if int(row['year']) < year:
10 races.append(f'{pair[0]} vs. {pair[1]}')
11 for row in csv.DictReader(f):
12 else:
13 return (sorted(races), invalid)
14 def race_list(afile, year):
15 races = []; invalid = 0
Question 4
The following function is intended to work out the value of the optimal combination of items to place in a bag in terms of maximising the value of the items, subject to a weight limit on the bag.
It takes two arguments:
capacity: the total weight that can be held by the bag
items: a list of items, each of which is represented as a dictionary storing the weight and value of that item
and returns the maximum value of combined items that can be achieved subject to the weight constraint.
For example, when run over the following example of items:
items = [{'weight': 13, 'value': 6}, {'weight': 15, 'value': 11},
{'weight': 16, 'value': 13}, {'weight': 22, 'value': 17},
{'weight': 10, 'value': 5}]
the function should produce the following outputs (based on the combination of items provided in the comment, in each case):
>>> rec_knapsack(35, items)
24 # based on items[1] and items[2]
>>> rec_knapsack(40, items)
30 # based on items[2] and items[3]
As presented, there are bugs in the code. Identify exactly three (3) errors in the code (using the provided line numbers), identify for each whether it is a “syntax”, “run-time” or “logic” error, and provide a replacement line which corrects the error.
1 def rec_knapsack(capacity, items):
2 if capacity == 0 or len(items) == 0:
3 return 0 45 cur_item = items(0)
7 if cur_item['weight'] >= capacity
8 return rec_knapsack(capacity, items)
10 take_value = (cur_item['value']
11 + rec_knapsack(capacity - cur_item['value'], items[1:]))
12 leave_value = rec_knapsack(capacity, items[1:])
13 return max(take_value, leave_value)

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