02-java min
Write a method 'showPhoneNumber' that prints out (to the standard terminal) a phone number for a given name. The method has the following signature:
{ public void showPhoneNumber(String name) }
The method is part of a class that has an instance variable phonebook, which holds name/phone-number entries:
{ private HashMap<String, String> phonebook; // the map holds name/phone-number entries
// key: name value: phone number }
The name entries in the phonebook are all in lowercase. A name should be found independent of the capitalisation in the 'name' parameter. For example, "Sam Cooke", "sam cooke", "SAM COOKE" and "sAm coOKe" should all find the entry for Sam Cooke.
电话簿中的姓名条目都是小写的。名称应该独立于“name”参数中的大小写。例如,“Sam Cooke”,“Sam Cooke”,“Sam Cooke”和“Sam Cooke”都应该找到Sam Cooke的条目。
If a name is provided for which no phone number entry exists, the method should print "Entry not found" (without the double quotes).
When you click 'Check', the status at the top (in small print next to the question number) shows whether your attempt is correct or not.
You may like to write this method in BlueJ first and then paste it in here; you get better error messages and testing that way.
You can finish the attempt and submit to see results of the test cases and details of what worked and what didn't. There is no penalty for submitting an incorrect attempt, and then resubmitting.
Write a method 'showPhoneNumber' that prints out (to the standard terminal) a phone number for a given name. The method has the following signature:
{ public void showPhoneNumber(String name) }
The method is part of a class that has an instance variable phonebook, which holds name/phone-number entries:
{ private HashMap<String, String> phonebook; // the map holds name/phone-number entries
// key: name value: phone number }
The name entries in the phonebook are all in lowercase. A name should be found independent of the capitalisation in the 'name' parameter. For example, "Sam Cooke", "sam cooke", "SAM COOKE" and "sAm coOKe" should all find the entry for Sam Cooke.
If a name is provided for which no phone number entry exists, the method should print "Entry not found" (without the double quotes).
When you click 'Check', the status at the top (in small print next to the question number) shows whether your attempt is correct or not.
You may like to write this method in BlueJ first and then paste it in here; you get better error messages and testing that way.
You can finish the attempt and submit to see results of the test cases and details of what worked and what didn't. There is no penalty for submitting an incorrect attempt, and then resubmitting.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
public class Test {
private HashMap<String, String> phonebook;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
Test test = new Test();
String name1 = scanner.nextLine();
String name = "";
String[] strings = name1.split(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
strings[i] = strings[i].toLowerCase();
if (i == strings.length - 1){
name = name + strings[i];
else {
name = name + strings[i] + " ";
public void showPhoneNumber(String name){
boolean a = true;
Set<String> strings = phonebook.keySet();
Iterator<String> iterator = strings.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String next = iterator.next();
String phone_number = phonebook.get(next);
if (name.equals(next)){
System.out.println(name + ":" + phone_number);
a = false;
if (a){
public void savePhoneNumber(){
phonebook = new HashMap<>();
phonebook.put("tom cat","123456");
phonebook.put("my sql","1234567");
phonebook.put("key value","12345678");
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