Exam:Foundations of Computing(COMP10001_2022_SM2)
This assignment is locked until Nov 1 at 15:00.
Question 1
(a) Output value: 'wombat'
Required operations:
method- list slicing
In [22]: "".join(list('waobmcbdaet')[::2])
Out[22]: 'wombat'
(b) Output value: True
Required operations:
- len() function
- dictionary lookup
len({1:[1,2,3]}[1]) == 3
(c) Output value: '6 // 3 == 2!'
Required operations:
- floor division
- f-string
f'{12//2} // 3 == 2'
(d) Output value: 1
Required operations:
"1,2,3".split(",").index("2") + [1, 2, 0].pop()
(e) Output value: True
Required operations:
method- in operator
- tuple indexing
tuple({(1, 2): "value"}.keys())[0][0] in (1, 2, 3)
Question 2
An ngram is a sequence of symbols (such as characters) of length n. Each string can be represented as a sequence of n-grams. For example, 'cat'
can be represented as 'c'
, 'a'
, 't'
(1-grams, or unigrams), or as 'c'
, 'ca'
, 'at'
, 't'
(2-grams, or bigrams). [Note that the first bigram of the word 'cat'
is 'c'
, i.e., a space and c, and the last bigram of the word 'cat'
is 't'
, i.e., t and a space.]
一个 ngram 是长度为 n 的符号序列(如字符)。每个字符串都可以表示为 n 个 gram 的序列。例如,
(2克,或字母组合)。[请注意,单词 “cat” 的第一个重音是 “c”,即一个空格和 c,单词 “cat” 的最后一个重音是 “t”,即 t 和一个空格。]
The function most_freq_ngrams(_file, nglen=1)
takes a file name _file and the ngram length nglen, processes the file, and returns the top 5 most common ngrams that have at least one symbol specified in the global variable PHONEMES.
most_freq_ngrams(_file, nglen=1)
The input file contains poetry pieces as well as some empty lines or lines with auxiliary information (AABB, ABAB ... etc.). Here is a sample input file (Q2poems.txt):
输入文件包含诗歌片段以及一些空行或带有辅助信息的行(AABB, ABAB…等等)。下面是一个示例输入文件(Q2poems.txt):
Bid me to weep, and I will weep
While I have eyes to see
And having none, yet I will keep
A heart to weep for thee
All in a hot and copper sky
The bloody Sun, at noon,
Right up above the mast did stand,
No bigger than the Moon.
New life, a little baby, a little star,
The world awaits you near and far
With guidance and loving care
That will keep you safe and happy there.
All is luminous, self-existent light
And yet we see it not
Being in mind games caught
Look again hermit, with spherical sight
The function reads the file line by line skipping empty lines as well as those that only contain a single word (assuming words are separated by a whitespace character).
For example,
>>> most_freq_ngrams('Q2poems.txt')
[('e', 50), ('a', 32), ('i', 30), ('o', 23), ('u', 8)]
>>> most_freq_ngrams('Q2poems.txt', 2)
[('e ', 17), (' a', 12), ('he', 9), ('ee', 8), ('an', 8)]
>>> most_freq_ngrams('Q2poems.txt', 5)
[(' and ', 5), (' weep', 3), (' will', 3), ('will ', 3), ('e ', 3)]
As presented, the lines of the function are out of order in the window to the right. Put the lines in the correct order and introduce appropriate indentation. Note that as an additional constraint, your code must follow PEP8 and should not produce any PEP8 warnings when run.
Note: A Counter is a dict subclass, it is a collection where elements are stored as dictionary keys and their counts are stored as dictionary values. most_common(n) returns a list of the n most common elements and their counts from the most common to the least.
注意: Counter 是一个 dict 子类,它是一个集合,其中元素被存储为字典键,它们的计数被存储为字典值。Most_common(n)返回n个最常见元素的列表,以及它们从最常见到最不常见的计数。
PHONEMES = 'iauoe'
def most_freq_ngrams(_file, nglen=1):
from collections import Counter
with open(_file, 'r') as reader:
line = ' ' * (nglen - 1) + line.strip() + ' ' * (nglen - 1)
ngrams = Counter()
if len(set(line[i:i + nglen]) & set(PHONEMES)) > 0:
ngrams[line[i:i + nglen]] +=1
for i in range(0, len(line) - nglen + 1):
if len(line) > 0 and ' ' in line:
for line in reader:
return ngrams.most_common(5)

from collections import Counter
def most_freq_ngrams(_file, nglen=1):
PHONEMES = 'iauoe'
ngrams = Counter()
with open(_file, 'r') as reader:
for line in reader:
if len(line) > 0 and ' ' in line:
line = ' ' * (nglen - 1) + line.strip() + ' ' * (nglen - 1)
for i in range(0, len(line) - nglen + 1):
if len(set(line[i:i + nglen]) & set(PHONEMES)) > 0:
ngrams[line[i:i + nglen]] += 1
return ngrams.most_common(5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = most_freq_ngrams('Q2poems.txt')
r = most_freq_ngrams('Q2poems.txt', 2)
r = most_freq_ngrams('Q2poems.txt', 5)
Question 3
In this question, we will play with a new form of poetry. In this form of poetry, each line of the poem should follow a specified format, in terms of containing a sequence of short and long words. The function provided here is designed to check whether a given poem follows the provided format.
The format for a line in a poem is specified by a string of the characters 'S'
(for short words) and 'L'
(for long words). For example, the format 'SSL'
specifies that the corresponding line of the poem should contain 3 words: a short word, followed by another short word, followed by a long word. We will consider a word with 3 characters or less to be a short word, otherwise it is considered a long word. The line of poetry 'a big balloon' satisfies the format 'SSL'
, while none of the lines 'one big dog', 'advance australia fair' or 'tomorrow for dinner' satisfy the format 'SSL'
The format for a poem is given as a list of strings, where each string represents the format of the corresponding line of the poem. For example, ['SSSL', 'LL', 'SLS']
is the format for poems containing 3 lines, where the first line has the format 'SSSL'
, and so on. An example of a poem that matches this format is:
一首诗的格式是一个字符串列表,其中每个字符串代表诗中相应行的格式。例如,[' ssl ', 'LL', 'SLS']是包含3行诗的格式,其中第一行的格式为' ssl ',以此类推。一个符合这种格式的诗歌例子是:
I saw a crocodile
Smiling strangely
But rather fat
This poem can be represented as a single string, with each line separated by a newline character \n
, for example, 'I saw a crocodile\nSmiling strangely\nBut rather fat'. Each word contains only letters, and words in a line are separated by whitespace.
The function check_poem(poem, structure)
takes as input a poem and its format specification, and returns either True
or False
. The True
value is returned if the poem matches the given format, otherwise it should return False
函数check_poem(poem, structure)接受一首诗及其格式规范作为输入,并返回True或False。如果诗歌匹配给定的格式,则返回True值,否则返回False值。
- a non-empty string comprising lines separated by\n
that represents a poem.structure
- a list of strings representing the correct format of a poem.
def check_poem(poem, structure):
short = 3
lines = poem.strip().split('\n')
all_match = True
for (line, form) in zip(lines, structure):
words = line.split()
line_match = True
i = 0
while i < len(words) and i < len(form):
if form[i] == 'S' and len(words[i]) >= short:
line_match = False
if form[i] == 'L' and len(words[i]) < short:
line_match = False
i += 1
all_match = all_match and line_match
return all_match
Question 4
for 编程 while
def make_pack(weights, _max):
for i in range(2, len(weights)):
if weights[i] <= sum(weights[:i]):
return []
pack = []
remaining = _max
for item in weights[::-1]:
if item <= remaining:
remaining = remaining - item
return pack
def make_pack(weights, _max):
index = 2
while index < len(weights):
if weights[index] <= sum(weights[:index]):
return []
index += 1
pack = []
remaining = _max
index = 0
opt_object = weights[::-1]
while index < len(weights[::-1]):
item = opt_object[index]
if item <= remaining:
remaining = remaining - item
return pack
def make_pack(weights, _max):
i = 2
while i <= len(weights):
if weights[i] <= sum(weights[:i]):
return []
pack = []
remaining = _max
for item in weights[::-1]:
if item <= remaining:
remaining = remaining - item
return pack
Question 5
Esperanto is one of the most widely used constructed languages. Unlike many natural languages, it is considered to be easy to learn as it has high regularity. For instance, the suffixes ‑o, ‑a, ‑e, and ‑i indicate that a word is a noun (kato, a cat), adjective (bela, beautiful), adverb (bele, beautifully), and infinitive verb (paroli, to speak), respectively. It has a single definite article (la) and a set of pronouns (mi, ni, vi, li, ŝi, ĝi, ili). Plural forms of nouns and adjectives are formed by attaching j as in katoj (cats).
世界语是使用最广泛的构造语言之一。与许多自然语言不同,它被认为很容易学习,因为它有很高的规律性。例如,后缀o、a、e和i分别表示一个单词是名词(kato,一只猫)、形容词(bela,美丽)、副词(bele,美丽)和不定式动词(paroli,说话)。它有一个定冠词(la)和一组代词(mi, ni, vi, li, ŝi, i, ili)。名词和形容词的复数形式是通过在katoj (cats)中加上j来形成的。
The sentence structure is very much like English (Subject–Verb–Object) while objects are additionally marked by the n suffix (La hundo amas la katon, the dog loves the cat).
这句话的句子结构很像英语(主语-动词-宾语),而宾语则附加了n后缀(La hundo amas La katon,狗爱猫)。
Verbs tenses are also expressed via endings: -is, -as, -os for the past, present, future tense, respectively. E.g., estas means is, ĉasis— chased, esperos— will hope. Finally, negation is expressed via the ne particle.
动词的时态也可以通过结尾来表达:-is, -as, -os分别用于过去时,现在时和将来时。例如,estas的意思是“是”、“是”、“是”、“是”。最后,否定通过ne粒子来表达。
Here are some sample sentences and their English translations:
- La floro estas bela // The flower is beautiful
La floro estas bela //这朵花很漂亮
- La kato ne kuris // The cat didn't run
- Ŝi havas belajn florojn // She has beautiful flowers
Ŝi havas belajn florojn //她有漂亮的花
- Kato kuris // A cat ran
Kato kuris //一只猫跑了
The code is intended to take an Esperanto sentence as its input and return a list of parts of speech (verb, noun,...) for each word in the sentence. The word classes (parts of speech) are provided as a dictionary pos comprising markers that signify each part of speech and the corresponding part of speech. The markers are either 1-3 character suffixes starting with "-" for nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or whole 2-3 character words for pronouns, articles, particles). The function process(text) takes a string text and returns a list of parts of speech. It attempts to match the whole-word units first and then suffixes (starting from the longest ones). If it doesn't find a string match, it assigns a corresponding word to OOV (out-of-vocabulary).
def process(text): # 1
pos = {'-o': 'N', '-oj': 'N', '-on': 'N', '-ojn': 'N', '-a': 'ADJ', '-aj': 'ADJ', '-an': 'ADJ', '-ajn': 'ADJ', '-i': 'V', '-is': 'V', '-as': 'V', '-os': 'V', '-e': 'ADV', 'mi': 'PRON', 'ni': 'PRON', 'vi': 'PRON', 'li': 'PRON', 'ŝi': 'PRON', 'ĝi': 'PRON', 'ili': 'PRON', 'la': 'ART', 'ne': 'NEG'} # 2
out = () # 3
for word in text.split(): # 4
found = False # 5
word = word.lower().replace('.','').replace(',','') # 6
if len(word)>1 and len(word)<=4: # 7
if word in pos: # 8
found = True # 9
out.append(pos[word]) # 10
elif len(word)>=4: # 11
for i in range(3,0,-1) # 12
if '-'+word[-i:] in pos: # 13
found = True # 14
out.append(pos[word[-i:]]) # 15
break # 16
if not found: # 17
out.append('OOV') # 18
return out
>>> process('La floro estas bela')
['ART', 'N', 'V', 'ADJ']
>>> process('La virino ne estas malbela')
['ART', 'N', 'NEG', 'V', 'ADJ']
>>> process('Ili ne taŭgas por karesi')
['PRON', 'NEG', 'V', 'OOV', 'V']
However, there are several errors in the given function definitions. Identify exactly three (3) errors and specify:
(a) the line where the error occurs;
(b) the type of error, as syntax, run-time, or logic; and
(c) how you would fix each error, in the form of the corrected (single) line of code.
- 12 行的 for 缺少冒号
- 10、15 tuple 没有 append,把 3行改成列表。
Question 6
The following function csvdict(filename)
is intended to read a csv file with the given filename. The first line of the csv file contains the headings of each column in the file. Each subsequent line of the csv file contains an integer value for each column. You can assume that the csv file exists, is correctly formatted, it contains at least one column, it has at least one row of values in addition to the heading row, and each row has the correct number of values.
下面的函数csvdict ' (filename) '用于读取具有给定文件名的csv文件。csv文件的第一行包含文件中每个列的标题。csv文件的后续每一行都包含每个列的整数值。您可以假设csv文件存在,格式正确,至少包含一列,除标题行外至少有一行值,并且每行值的数量正确。
The function csvdict(filename)
should return a dictionary, whose keys correspond to the headings of the columns in the csv file, and the value of each key is the integer sum of the values of the corresponding column.
应该返回一个字典,它的键对应于 csv 文件中列的标题,每个键的值是对应列值的整数和。
For example, if the csv file test .csv
例如,如果 csv 文件test ' .csv '包含:
col1, col2, col3
12, 2, 101
10, 3, 102
8, 4, 110
then csvdict('test.csv')
will return:
{'col1': 30, 'col2': 9, 'col3': 313}
Provide code to insert into each of the numbered boxes in the code below to complete the function as described. Note that your code will be evaluated at the indentation level indicated for each box.
import csv
def csvdict(filename):
# 1
summary_dict = {}
reader = csv.reader(open(filename))
# 2
if line_count == 0:
headings = line
for val in line:
# 3
for index in range(len(line)):
# 4
line_count += 1
# 5

import csv
def csvdict(filename):
line_count = 0 # 1
summary_dict = {}
reader = csv.reader(open(filename))
for line in reader: # 2
if line_count == 0:
headings = line
for val in line:
summary_dict[val] = 0 # 3
for index in range(len(line)):
summary_dict[headings[index]] += int(line[index]) # 4
line_count += 1
return summary_dict # 5
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = csvdict("q6.csv")
Question 7
Write a function brackets_match(instring)
that takes a string as input, and returns True if all the brackets in instring match correctly, or False otherwise. You can assume that the input string contains only digits (i.e., '0123456789') and brackets (i.e., '(' and ')').
编写一个函数 brackets_match(instring),它接受一个字符串作为输入,如果instring中的所有方括号都正确匹配则返回 True,否则返回False。您可以假设输入字符串只包含数字(即'0123456789')和括号(即'('和')')。
The brackets in the string are considered to match correctly if for every opening bracket '(' there is a matching closing bracket ')' later in the string, and conversely every closing bracket has a matching opening bracket earlier in the string.
Note that digits can appear anywhere in the string but can be ignored, and instring will always contain one or more brackets.
注意,数字可以出现在字符串中的任何位置,但可以忽略,instring 将始终包含一个或多个方括号。
For example:
>>> brackets_match('()')
>>> brackets_match('(1)(2)')
>>> brackets_match('(1(3))')
>>> brackets_match(')((3)')
>>> brackets_match('(1)(56))')
>>> brackets_match('(1(')
def brackets_match(instring):
left_parentheses = "("
right_parentheses = ")"
# left_parentheses_count = instring.count("(")
# right_parentheses_count = instring.count(")")
# if left_parentheses_count == right_parentheses_count:
# return True
# return False
detail_str = ""
# sum_count = 0
for s in instring:
if not s.isdigit():
detail_str += s
# print("xxx:>>>", detail_str)
if detail_str.count("()") != 0:
# sum_count += detail_str.count("()")
new_detail_str = detail_str.replace("()", "")
if new_detail_str:
if new_detail_str.count("()") != 0:
# sum_count += new_detail_str.count("()")
return True
return False
return True
return False
# print(detail_str)
if __name__ == '__main__':
r1 = brackets_match('()')
r2 = brackets_match('(1)(2)')
r3 = brackets_match('(1(3))')
r4 = brackets_match(')((3)')
r5 = brackets_match('(1)(56))')
r6 = brackets_match('(1(')
r7 = brackets_match('(1())(1)')
Question 8
Write a function digisum(num)
that takes a positive integer as its input num, and returns an integer containing a single digit, which is calculated as follows:
编写一个函数 digisum ' (num) ',它接受一个正整数作为输入num,并返回一个包含单个数字的整数,其计算方法如下:
- Your function should add up the digits in num.
- If the resulting sum is in the range 0 to 9, i.e., the sum has a single digit, then return that sum.
- Otherwise, the resulting sum has more than one digit, so you need to repeat the process by adding up the digits in the resulting sum.
- You need to keep repeating the process of calculating a new sum by adding up the digits in the previous sum until you reach a sum that has a single digit.
For example, if the input num is 8979, the sum of its digits is 8+ 9+7+9=33. Since this sum has more than one digit, we repeat by calculating the sum of its digits 3 + 3 = 6. Since this new sum has a single digit, we return the new sum 6.
例如,如果输入的数字是 8979,则其数字的和为 8+ 9+7+9=33。因为这个和不止一个数字,我们重复计算它的数字3 + 3 = 6的和。因为这个新的和只有一位数字,所以我们返回新的和6。
Similarly, if the input num is 999999999999993, the return value is 3, since 9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+3 = 129, and 1+2+9 = 12, and 1+2 = 3.
类似地,如果输入数字为999999999999993,则返回值为3,因为9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+9+3 = 129,1+2+9 = 12,1+2 = 3。
For example:
>>> digisum(8979)
>>> digisum(999999999999993)
>>> digisum(88)
>>> digisum(6)
def parse(num):
num_list = []
while (num > 0):
num_list.append(num % 10)
num = num // 10
return sum(list(reversed(num_list))) # 将顺序倒过来
def digisum(num):
if 0 <= num < 10:
return num
value = parse(num)
while True:
# print("xsxsxsxsxs", value)
if 0 <= value < 10:
# print("if:>>>", value)
return value
# else:
value = parse(value)
# print("xx", value)
# break
if __name__ == '__main__':
r1 = digisum(8979)
r2 = digisum(999999999999993)
r3 = digisum(88)
r4 = digisum(6)
r5 = digisum(4567)

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