Homework1 Sql
NYU Shanghai
Engineering and Computer Science CSCI-SHU 213
Homework No. 01: Total points: 100.
DBMS Installation:
You will need access to a database management system (DBMS) and web server for some of the homework assignments and for the course project. You may use either Oracle or MySQL for the homework assignments and projects. I will occasionally demonstrate material using MySQL. With a little effort you’ll be able to translate these examples to Oracle, but it will probably be slightly easier for you to use MySQL.
Installing database and web server software:
Download a free Appache/MySQL/PHP (xampp) package,
such as https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
This includes MySQL and the phpMyAdmin graphical user interface (GUI) and other software that you may want to use for the project (Web server and PHP interpreter). Please follow the official instructions from the website.
for Mac users, PHP8.0 may not compatible with the GUI. If you see error message such as "Deprecation Notice", please try install the package with PHP7 instead:
Homework #1 description:
You may discuss this homework with other students, but you should install the software on your own laptop, execute the SQL statements on your own installation, and hand in your own results.
Please install xampp (per previous instructions), and get familiar with using it. If you're using the latest version of MySQL the default storage engine will be InnoDB. If not, either upgrade to the latest MySQL version or set MySQL's default engine to InnoDB. (See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/storage-engine-setting.html ).
Note: In the past, people who had older versions have had some problems with the installation. Might be safer to uninstall the old one first.
Open XAMPP Control (“manager-osx” in Mac) and start Apache and MySQL, use phpMyAdmin to create a database called university and use the GUI or execute "use university" to make that the current database. Download the university_ddl.sql and university_inserts.sql files from assignments. (These files are from the sample data section of the textbook's web site http://www.db-book.com/. The DDL file has been modified so that it works with MySQL running InnoDB. If you're using Oracle, you can use the DDL file from the book's web page.) Using phpMyAdmin, import the files into MySQL in order to create and populate the university database.
SELECT name, dept_name FROM instructor WHERE salary > 80000
Take a screenshot of the result. This should demonstrate that you are using a GUI (not just executing the query from a terminal window.) Save the query results to a PDF file. (In phpMyAdmin, this can be done by clicking Export in the Query results operations list, below the query results.
Hand in:
- A PDF file with the query results.
- A screenshot showing how the GUI displays the query result.
You should also spend some time getting familiar with the University database, with MySQL, and with the GUI:
- Try inserting additional rows into the courses table,
- Try executing some of the queries from the book,
- Try creating another table.
- What happens when you try to insert another instructor with the ID 58583? (note: it should fail and give an error message)
- What happens when you try to insert an instructor with dept name 'CS'? (note: it should fail and give an error message).
- What happens when you try to execute a query with a syntax error? (note: it should fail and give an error message)
(No need to hand in the results of playing around with the system.)

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