The Cache Project Part 4 L1 Cache
The fourth and last part of the memory subsystem phase of the project is to implement a simulated controller for the memory subsystem in C. This controller manages the movement of data among the CPU, the L1 cache, the L2 cache, and main memory.
A detailed description of the memory subsystem controller is found in the memory_subsystem.c file that you already downloaded at the start of the project. I have provided extensive comments in memory_subsystem.c
describing what the code should do. Your job is to fill in the missing code.
Here are the steps you should take:
- Step 1
You should see what the output of testing my compiled memory subsystem controller code is by typing ./ben_test_memory_subsystem
- Step 2
Open the file memory_subsystem.c
in emacs and read every line closely. You'll see that I describe the interaction among the CPU, L1 cache, L2 cache, and main memory and what the controller should do when a cache miss occurs. There are five procedures that you have to implement: memory_subsystem_initialize()
, memory_access()
, memory_handle_l1_miss()
, memory_handle_l2_miss()
, and memory_handle_clock_interrupt()
. You should also look closely at the related header file, memory_subsystem.h
In memory_subsystem.c
, the comments describe exactly what you have to do to implement the above five procedures to 1) initialize the memory subsystem, 2) support memory read and write requests from a CPU, 3) handle L1 cache misses by requesting cache lines from the L2 cache, 4) handle L2 cache misses by requesting cache lines from main memory, and 5) handle a clock interrupt to cause the reference bits in the L1 cache to be cleared (for NRU purposes).
You should also take a look at my code in test_memory_subsystem.c, so you can see how memory_subsystem_initialize()
, memory_access()
, and memory_handle_clock_interrupt()
are called. The other two procedures, memory_handle_l1_miss()
and memory_handle_l2_miss()
, are only called internally within memory_subsystem.c
The only file you need to modify for this part of the project is memory_subsystem.c
- Step 3
To test your code in memory_subsystem.c
, you can use my test_memory_subsystem.c
file. To do so, compile them together by typing make test_memory_subsystem
and, if it compiles correctly, run the program by typing ./test_memory_subsystem
The output when you run the program should be the same as the output when using my compiled version (./ben_test_memory_subsystem
). Feel free to read and modify the code in test_memory_subsystem.c
to aid in your debugging.
- Step 4
Upload your memory_subsystem.c
file. You’re done, congratulations!

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