VGC123 - Platforms 2
Lab 1 - Level Brief: (15%) Due Week 5
Create a level brief, including visual concept, player flow, and boundaries
Level Brief Requirements:
- Concept
- A detailed, artistic rendering of your level from a ¾ or top-down view.
- Events List
- Describe each animation event that will take place (doors, gates, etc)
- Legend
- Player character (where your player spawns)
- Path (the path the player takes from start to end)
- Events (animation events)
- Boundaries (the playable space of your level)
Lab 2 Milestone 1 - Level Blockout (15%) Due Week 7
Create a block-out of your level using ProBuilder, presenting your layout from Lab 2.
Showcase your well-composed space, using simple lighting to illuminate your scene.
Lab 3 - Milestone 2 - Asset Pass (20%) Due Week 8
Gather assets from the Unity Asset store, or elsewhere on the internet. Place them in your scene, following your Level brief. This could include, textures and models, audio, and unity packages. Make sure that your player can get from the start to the goal.
Lab 4 - Milestone 3 - Animation 20% Due Week 10
Use tools like the post-processing stack, lighting, and Assets from the Asset Store to give your level a sense of polish. Implement a minimum of 3 Animation, as described in your level brief.
Lab 5 - Video Playthrough: (30%) Due Week 11
Use the Unity Recorder to create a video playthrough of your level and upload to youtube. Video must be rendered in 1080p, and showcase your entire level.

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