
University of Pennsylvania Homework 3 Water Tank

AI悦创原创2023年9月20日Python辅导University of PennsylvaniaPython辅导University of Pennsylvania大约 22 分钟...约 6594 字

Homework 3: Water Tank

(Deadline as per Canvas)

This homework covers concepts learned in Modules 1-3. In this homework, we will be implementing the game Water Tank, a card-based game.


About the Assignment

Water Tank is a competitive card game played between two players. In your case, the players will be a human player and a computer player. Each player starts with an empty water tank, which they need to fill. The goal is to be the first player to fill their tank. A tank is filled if it reaches the value of 75 to 80 units (inclusive). The human player’s moves are decided by the user playing the game, by asking for input, and the computer’s moves are decided by the program that you will write.


For the section that asks you to program a strategy for the computer, what we want you to do is come up with a reasonable enough strategy that ensures that a computer makes a logical decision. Example, if the computer’s tank is missing just 1 unit of water to fill the tank, and that card happens to be in the computer’s hand, then the computer should use that card in their move. So, unlike your previous assignments, this one has a creative component to it.


There are two types of cards: water cards and power cards. There will be a pile for each type of card (one pile for water and one pile for power). Each water card has a value that represents the amount of water that it contributes to the tank. When a water card is played, that player adds the specified amount of water to their tank. Power cards allow players to perform special actions:


Players take turns either using a card or discarding a card. If a player discards a card, it goes to the bottom (last index) of its respective pile. Once the player has used or discarded a card, they draw a new card, from the top of the pile (index 0), of the same type as the card they just used or discarded.


If a player’s water level exceeds their tank’s maximum fill value, an overflow happens. In the case of an overflow, extra water sloshes out of the tank. The amount of water that remains in the tank is determined by a formula: remaining water = maximum fill value - overflow

如果玩家的水位超过了水箱的最大容量,就会发生溢出。在溢出的情况下,多余的水会从水箱中溢出。水箱中剩余的水量由以下公式决定:剩余水量 = 最大容量 - 溢出量。

For example, if a player’s tank level goes to 90, and its maximum fill value is 80, the overflow is 10. Deduct 10 from the maximum fill value to find the remaining water in the tank, which is 70 in this case.


The game continues in turns until one player’s tank is filled. A tank is considered filled when the tank level is between the minimum and maximum fill values (inclusive). The first player to fill their tank wins the game.


If a pile of cards is exhausted, the setup function for that type of card will be called to replenish the pile.


Required Functions


The following functions must be present in your code with these given names and function signatures exactly. For the autograder to run properly, do not change the function names or the parameters. Do not add optional parameters or change the return types. If a function returns something, make sure what it returns is consistent with what’s mentioned in the details below. Be sure to add docstrings to all of your functions and comments to your code. The water_tank.py should be placed in the submit folder and should not be renamed, otherwise the autograder will fail to locate your program.

以下函数必须准确地以给定的名称和函数签名出现在您的代码中。为了确保自动评分器正常运行,请不要更改函数名称或参数。不要添加可选参数或更改返回类型。如果函数返回某些内容,请确保其返回的内容与下文中提到的内容一致。确保为您的所有函数添加文档字符串,并为您的代码添加注释。water_tank.py 应放置在 submit 文件夹中,并且不应被重命名,否则自动评分器将无法找到您的程序。

The following are the required functions you have to implement:


(Note: Some functions may be used in another function)




ValueQuantity of Cards


ValueQuantity of Cards
SOH10Steal half opponent’s tank value. If the opponent’s tank value is an odd integer, it will truncate the decimal value (Example: 1⁄2 of 5 is 2) Hint: You may use the cast to int
DOT2Drain opponent’s tank
DMT3Double my tank’s value.


get_card_from_pile(pile, index):

arrange_cards(cards_list ):

deal_cards(water_cards_pile, power_cards_pile):


remaining water = maximum fill value - overflow

use_card(player_tank, card_to_use, player_cards, opponent_tank):

discard_card(card_to_discard, player_cards, water_cards_pile, power_cards_pile):


check_pile(pile, pile_type):

human_play(human_tank, human_cards, water_cards_pile, power_cards_pile, opponent_tank):

computer_play(computer_tank, computer_cards, water_cards_pile, power_cards_pile, opponent_tank):




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  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 0
  • 按正序
  • 按倒序
  • 按热度